Polymer products business concerns reach legislation has been introduced, the European Commission has recently nominatedthe 15 chemical substances were listed chemicals reach regulation"blacklist", of which there are eight species belonging to polymerproduction commonly used chemicals.
First batch including highly concernedabout the chemicals REACH Regulation "blacklist" chemicals ofconcern, including the most commonly used over the past 60 years in a varietyof polymer products department of plasticizer DEHP, DEHP disabled indicatesthat industrial production in many commonly used substances to the brink ofelimination. Was nominated for the polymer industry influential chemicals areas follows:
Phthalate plasticizers DEHP and DBP% 26 BBPused in the production of PVC and other polymer resin, HBCDD flame retardantsused in polystyrene production, MDA for MDI manufacturing in the production ofpolyurethanes, SCCPs for rubber, paints, sealants and adhesives production offlame retardants, tributyltin oxide used in the production of antifouling paintfungicides.
The first batch of REACH"blacklist" stressed polymer producers and polymer product users mustfollow the implementation of the REACH Regulation. "Blacklist" Thisgrant will be announced before the end of January. Upon entry into force, theenterprise will prohibit the use of all products containing more than 0.1% ofthese substances. Consumers can consult these substances content informationdirectly to the supplier or retailer, manufacturers or retailers need to givereply within 45 days.