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2010 woven technical exchanges and market matchmaking industry chain.
From: admin   Hits:43   Addtime:2023-04-03 09:01

Convening the 2010 woven industrial chaintechnology exchanges and market matchmaking notice on supporting enterprisesfor the production of various plastic woven products and the industry chain: inorder to enhance trade exchanges, promote our woven production enterprises moreusing the new technology, new equipment, new technology raw and auxiliarymaterials and excellent performance, enhance energy saving work, enhance businesscommunication between the various sub-products producers encouraged wovenindustry, advocacy a rational competitive industry atmosphere the wovenproduction enterprises in China to improve core competitiveness, promote ofwoven industry from production expansion mode of development to enhance thequality, technical innovation and the development of ways to upgrade, promoteour woven enterprises sustainable and healthy development. The study, theplastic woven products special committee of the China Plastics ProcessingIndustry Association, is scheduled for 2010 woven industrial chain technologyexchange and market Matchmaking Symposium "held on September 14, 2010 to16 in Hebei Cangzhou Golden Lion International Hotel.

This meeting, organized by the ChinaPlastics Processing Industry Association plastic woven products, specialcommittees, and the People's Government of Cangzhou City, Cangzhou Economic andTechnological Development Zone, the contractor, Austria Stalin Grid Co., Ltd.,China Plastic Association the modified plastics special committee, the ChinaAssociation for Plastic BOPP film special committee, China Plastic Associationaluminized special committee, the preparatory group of the Chinese the blownfilm CPPIA processing technology special committee, Cangzhou City Society ofPlastics Industry, Changzhou plastics industry associations, Plastics IndustryAssociation of Wenzhou, Pingyang plastic Packaging Association, Cangnan PlasticIndustry Association, the Yanzhou City Subian Chamber of Commerce, Linyi CitySubian Association, Linyi County Subian Association the Kangping SubianAssociation, Chongqing Baoxie woven Packaging Committee and co. Yanfeng GroupCo., Ltd. the Luoxi Ya Machinery (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. sponsored.

The meeting notice of the matter are asfollows:

A main content of the meeting

1, woven industry of China DevelopmentReport 2009;

Macroeconomic situation in the second halfof 2,2010;

3, to transform and upgrade, extend wovenindustry;

4 woven industry energy saving lessonslearned and promotion;

5, plastic woven products industry TwelfthFive-Year Development Plan 'comments;

6 "plastic woven General technicalrequirements" the GB formulation and Publicizing;

7 "plastic woven the FIBC processingtrade unit consumption standards" for advice;

8, production and technical managementexperience exchange;

9, the exchange of new technologies, newprocesses, new equipment;

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